20 THINGS ADOPTION PODCAST with Sherrie Eldridge
However, many times, the adopted child pushes love away. This can be because of RAD and the trauma that keeps hijacking the child’s brain.
Some children don’t exhibit pushback behavior until their teen years or when they are searching for their biological roots.
Adoptive parents must prepare themselves for this possibility by hearing the stories of other parents. They will realize:
1. They are not alone.
2. The pushback isn’t proof of ineffective parenting.
3. Their child can heal.
20 THINGS ADOPTION PODCAST with Sherrie Eldridge
The Hot Potato of Adoptee Anger
Bronwen interviews Sherrie on a rare topic--adoptee anger. They discuss the two kinds of anger and emphasize the fact that anger itself is good--its a God-given emotion that warns us if something is wrong, like the red light on a dashboard.
Anger can become toxic when anger is stuffed and turns into bitterness and hate.
The unintentional adversarial relationship that often occurs between adoptive moms and their children is common, but its a topic that hasn't be addressed by adoption professionals, speakers, and therapists.
Adoptees secretly attribute their lion-like anger to a personal defect, while wounded moms fear their children will never experience their love.
Sherrie shares a time a purging, where she did the hard work of recovery. Signs of healing emerged first in regard to Retha, her mom through adoption.
Listen to the inspiring story of how trash became treasure.
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