20 THINGS ADOPTION PODCAST with Sherrie Eldridge
However, many times, the adopted child pushes love away. This can be because of RAD and the trauma that keeps hijacking the child’s brain.
Some children don’t exhibit pushback behavior until their teen years or when they are searching for their biological roots.
Adoptive parents must prepare themselves for this possibility by hearing the stories of other parents. They will realize:
1. They are not alone.
2. The pushback isn’t proof of ineffective parenting.
3. Their child can heal.
20 THINGS ADOPTION PODCAST with Sherrie Eldridge
Dafna Lender, LCSW, Explains Why RAD Diagnosis Is Outdated
Dafna Lender, LCSW, is a Licensed Social Worker and Certified Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapist. Experts such as Besssel van der Koklk applaud her work.
When Sherrie Eldridge asks her about the term "Reactive Attachment Disorder," quite the conversation occurred.
Sherrie shared her story of how she has recovered from this, and Dafna taught in depth how and why the term is outdated and what adoptive moms need to understand about parenting a child that has come from severe trauma.
Key points from the podcast:
1. Correct and current diagnostic term for children who have suffered extreme pre-adoption trauma.
2. What healed Sherrie's traumatized brain, body, and soul.
3. Current brain researchers that can be trusted.
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