20 THINGS ADOPTION PODCAST with Sherrie Eldridge
However, many times, the adopted child pushes love away. This can be because of RAD and the trauma that keeps hijacking the child’s brain.
Some children don’t exhibit pushback behavior until their teen years or when they are searching for their biological roots.
Adoptive parents must prepare themselves for this possibility by hearing the stories of other parents. They will realize:
1. They are not alone.
2. The pushback isn’t proof of ineffective parenting.
3. Their child can heal.
20 THINGS ADOPTION PODCAST with Sherrie Eldridge
Jocelyn Williams' Adoption Journey and Attachment Theory
Jocelyn Williams, a developmental movement consultant, discusses the importance of movement-based solutions for infant and child development. She emphasizes the significance of the first year of life in building the foundation of neurology and explains how movement patterns and sensory experiences contribute to brain development. Williams shares her personal experience of adopting children and the challenges they faced, including attachment issues and learning difficulties. She highlights the role of neurodevelopmental movement in addressing these challenges and promoting healing. Williams also encourages parents to prioritize self-care and forgiveness as they navigate the journey of parenting children with trauma backgrounds.
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